Plots and Pickaxes


-This blog is a place for me to share my mind on things. I will do this by posting book reviews, stuff about writing, my own writing, and whatever else pops into my head. I don’t want to put too many limits on what I post here, but I do want to give you a good idea of what you will find.

I have a second blog on Blogger also titled Plots and Pickaxes. The two blogs will have some similar posts, but I’m hoping that they won’t be the exact same. I plan to make this one a little bit more about the writing and that one more about my book reviews.

As for myself I don’t mind answering questions or receiving critique on what I put up here. I actually would love to hear it.

As for myself I enjoy writing (duh) and cooking. I read books, books, and more books. They consist mostly of fiction but lately I’ve been branching out to some Non-fiction as well. I work in a library and it is the best job I’ve ever had. I am currently working my way through college.

And one of these days I’ll finally figure out how write a proper About Me section.

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